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GENO-COST 2024 will be hosted in over 26 cities, across 4 continents!

Justice and Dignity 

Organised by Congolese Action Youth Platform (CAYP) in collaboration with civil society organisations 

On the 2nd August of every year, you are invited to join the Congolese community across the world to take part in the Memorial Day for the Congolese genocide. This yearly event is a simple gesture to pay respects to the lives of all those that we have lost in Congo’s long history of conflicts. This Friday August 2nd, the event will be organised in 26 cities across the world across four continents (Africa, Europe, North America, and South America) as well as online. This year is organised under the theme of “Justice and Dignity”. Whether you join us in person or participate online, your voice is crucial. Help amplify the stories and struggles of those affected by using hashtags #Genocost2024 and #Tokobosanate.

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Génocost 2024 : Appel à la Dignité et à la Justice

Genocost 2024: Justice et Dignité

En 2013, la Congolese Action Youth Platform (CAYP) basée à Londres a remis en question le cadre juridique du “génocide”. Face au manque persistant de démocratie et de justice, ils ont créé GENOCOST – un cri de justice contre le génocide commis à des fins économiques en République Démocratique du Congo depuis 1885.

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Noël avec les Enfants des Rues : Une Lueur d’Espoir

Kinshasa, RDC – Le 25 Décembre dernier, l’équipe de CAYP RDC a uni ses forces avec Cris des Mères et CATSR pour offrir un moment de joie aux enfants des rues du Centre Likemo à Kinshasa.

Grâce à une collecte de fonds réussie, ces enfants ont pu savourer un repas de Noël et participer à diverses activités de divertissement, telles que la musique, la danse et la Capoeira. Nos bénévoles ont également partagé des mots d’encouragement pour rappeler à ces enfants qu’ils ne sont pas seuls.

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Genocost 2023 in Kinshasa

Genocost 2023 is a milestone for the recognition of the Genocide in DR Congo


Genocost 2023 in Kinshasa
Genocost 2023 in Kinshasa

This marks a milestone in the ten years of a campaign of the Congolese Action Youth Platform (CAYP), which initiated the Genocost campaign in London in 2011 and worked tirelessly for the recognition of the genocides and crimes against humanity perpetrated against the people of DR Congo for economic gain called the Genocost.  A contraction between genocide and cost referring to the crimes committed in the country for economic gain. 

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Genocost 2022

Genocost2022 – Journée Commémorative du Génocide Congolais

Theme: Mémoire et Espoir
Le 2/08/2022 à 19:30 Kin/Ldn sur Twitter Space @Genocost
Venez découvrir l’histoire du Genocost, les témoignages de ses membres fondateurs ainsi que des activistes du Congo.











Genocost Commemoration 2019

This 2nd of August marked the 21st year since the start of the 2nd Congo war in 1998. A conflict that has destabilised the Great Lakes region with war crimes and genocide. To remember all those who perished in this forgotten conflict, members of the Congolese diaspora across the world gathered to host the 7th commemoration of the Genocost.

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#Genocost 2019 Join the Movement worldwide

This year will be the 7th commemoration of the #Genocost . Please take a stand for the millions of Congolese who died in Congo wars. Join us and others across the world to show that their lives mattered, to say that they won’t be forgotten. On August 2nd, you can:

  • light your own candle and share it with the world, using #Genocost
  • change your social media profile picture to the #Genocost candle of hope (attached in this email)

If you are in London, Nottingham, Toronto and Cape Town, please come for a commemoration service on Saturday 3rd August 2019. There will be a remembrance ceremony, talks, food, fundraising, music, and networking. You can confirm your attendance and find out more details about each service following the links below.

·         London: Eventbrite page & Facebook Event page

·         Nottingham: Facebook Event Page

·         Toronto: The Kcope booking page

  • Cape Town: Iziko South African National Museum Cape Town

Thank you, and we look forward to engaging with you (online and in-person) in the coming days